Friday, August 26, 2011

How Blog Technology has improved my Online Learning Experiences

Sing along folks!

Blogs, Blogs, everywhere there is blogs, educating the people and breaking my mind, Do this, don’t do that, can’t you read the blogs”….( Sorry Tesla, I just had to do it)

I had stated in my assignment 2.1 that the use of blogs could be a double edged sword.  Being an independent site, this blog is not monitored or controlled by Bellevue University or any of its personnel.  Professor Stein can review what I have written here and possibly block my link to this site from the school’s site if its content was deemed unacceptable by school’s standards, she may not give me a grade for its content related to an assignment,   and even advise me about the school’s code of conduct, but they cannot force me to change its content or delete it either.  They have no power of what is posted here on it is free from oppression.  Cons:   No Academic control over content, and no Code of Conduct or Ethics enforce on content of a blog. 

On the other side though, it is easy to use, the school is not hassled with the burden of maintaining the site,   anyone can view my posts, comment on them and even link it to their own page if they wish.   If used properly it is a way to write freely and gain a perspective of someone else’s point of view with a little of their personality poking through.  Anyone can comment on a blog posting, even complete strangers if the settings are set to allow it.  Who knows, you may get useful input on your thoughts and ramblings from someone not even in your class, but related to what you are discussing within.  Pros: Easy to use, No School resources used in the creation or maintenance of the blog site, and anyone can post to it.


  1. I really feel you should put audio to your little didy about School and Blogs..but you did the best you can...LOL I think that Diddy about Jack & Dianne was by?????

  2. Jack and Diane was sung by John "Cougar" Mellencamp, Love that sone too. I never thought about putting an audio file on the background of my blog, that woulf be cool, I will look into that!!!!!
